智慧生活獎包括三個獎項類別 – “智慧醫療”,“智能家居”和“生活時尚”。 從即日起至2022 年6月27 日中午接受報名。
獲獎者還將有機會參加享有盛名的區域或國際ICT 活動。 不要錯過這次獲得業界認可的機會。
智慧生活獎包括三個獎項類別 – “智慧醫療”,“智能家居”和“生活時尚”。 從即日起至2022 年6月27 日中午接受報名。
獲獎者還將有機會參加享有盛名的區域或國際ICT 活動。 不要錯過這次獲得業界認可的機會。
Smart Innovation of ICT cum 40th Anniversary Dinner
To celebrate the success of ICT awards winners and offer a social dinner for the WITSA and HKICT Awards winners, members and partners in the ICT industry.
Ticket: HK$880 per seat for Member / HK$1,000 per seat for non-Member
Registration: https://bit.ly/3GpsNql
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Chung Hau Yeung, Alex (鍾孝揚先生) has been elected as the new President of Hong Kong Information Technology Federation for the term of 2021-2023. Details can be found https://www.hkitf.org.hk/about-hkitf/president.
At the same time, Dr. Allen Wong (黃一川博士) has retired from the post, and will remain in HKITF Council.
To share the happiness with the winners and watch the live Awards Presentation Ceremony at HKITF Facebook page.
Date: 6 Nov 2020
Time: 5:00 – 5:30 pm
In view of the current outbreak of novel coronavirus, the event will be rescheduled until further notice.
Agenda: https://www.hkitf.org.hk/Event/Fintech2/Agenda.pdf
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/fintech-20-conference-tickets-90731457231
In view of the current outbreak of novel coronavirus, the Spring Dinner will be rescheduled until further notice.