Categories & Forms

Companies and individual may apply to become a member of HKITF under the following categories of membership:

  1. Full Member
    Organizations the predominant part of whose activities is supplying information technology products or services.
  2. Overseas Member
    Organisations or companies incorporated outside of Hong Kong that express an appropriate interest in the information technology industry in Hong Kong.
  3. Associate Member
    Organizations that have an interest in developing the information technology industry and, although not being primarily in the industry itself, have some part of their current activities supplying information technology products or services.
  4. Affiliate Member
    Organizations and individuals that express an appropriate interest in the information technology industry.

Membership Forms


4 Responses to “Categories & Forms”
  1. Leo Lau says:

    I would like to become a member of HKITF.

  2. jack ho says:

    I want to be a corporate membership in HKITF.
    what is the procedure to be the member?

  3. Thelma Romano says:

    Good Afternoon,

    I will like to schedule a visit to get to know KFITF. I am traveling from Mexico to Asia with the program PLEI (International Business Leadership Program) sponsored and representing ALEF Soluciones Integrales a high quality company in Mexico dedicated to Integrate Information Technology solutions at competitive prices in Mexico. The purpose of my trip is to visit recognized IT Companies in Asia and learn from their innovating programs that somehow could be immplemented in Mexico.

    I will be glad If you could schedule me a visit it will be great to get to know how IT companies work in Hong Kong and a great personal learning.

    Best Regards
    Thelma Romano

  4. Fiona Lee says:

    I want to become a membership in HKITF, and receive latest event info